Saturday, December 19, 2015

Hello! First Recipe: Lime Vinaigrette Salad

Hello! I'm Zoe! I will be doing this blog as much as I possibly can, and posting quick and easy recipes to help your next meal with friends a success! Also, please note that ALL of my recipes are COMPLETELY original and that I never use other people's recipes.
So, onto the moment you've all been waiting for; THE RECIPE!
For the salad:
2 cups of lettuce
3/4 of a tomato
1 and a half pieces of (un-crusted) bread
Half an avocado
two strips of bacon
Cheese (optional)
THINGS you will need:
Medium size bowl
Lemon juicer (optional)

Get out your lettuce and wash it, then spin it in a lettuce spinner. After that, cut it into chunks of whatever size you prefer for your lettuce. Put it into the medium bowl. Now, get out your tomato and dice it. Put it into the bowl. Make your bacon, and then, if you want, put it into a small bowl with your cheese and put it into the microwave for 15 seconds. When that is done, crumble the bacon and cheese and put it into the salad. Now get your avocado, cut it into pieces, and put it in the salad. Now for the croutons. Take your un-crusted bread, and cut it into squares. When you are done with that, put them onto a pan and cook them in olive oil (However much you feel you want) for 15 minutes on low, remembering to flip and turn them often.

The vinaigrette:
1 tablespoon of red wine vinegar
1 lime
3 tablespoons of olive oil
a few pinches of salt

Get a small bowl and put your red wine vinegar and olive oil in it. Get your juicer (or, if you don't have one just squeeze the lime) and juice the lime into the bowl with your other liquids. Now, put in your salt and your all done with the vinaigrette!

Put the vinaigrette, into the salad, and your done! Have a nice meal!